Interesting article from January 10th, on Tech Central Station, written by Lee Harris.
Mr. Harris does an excellent job posing an important question: Why have other scientific revolutions that challenged some point of religion been accepted everywhere outside of the Flat Earth Society within a short time period, while evolution has not?
Mr. Harris comes to the conclusion that a visceral dislike for monkeys is to blame for the rejection of evolution, and that this visceral dislike stems from the revelation that they are very much like we would be if we were stripped of civilization. As Mr. Harris puts it:
"... the basis of this revulsion is none other than "the civilizing process" that has been instilled into us from infancy. The civilizing process has taught us never to throw our feces at other people, not even in jest. It has taught us not to snatch food from other people, not even when they are much weaker than we. It has taught us not to play with our genitals in front of other people, not even when we are very bored. It has taught us not to mount the posterior of other people, not even when they have cute butts.
... It is by refusing to accept our embarrassing kinship with primates that men have been able to create societies that prohibit precisely the kind of monkey business that civilized men and women invariably find so revolting and disgusting. Thou shalt not act like a monkey—this is the essence of all the higher religions, and the summation of all ethical systems."
I have to hand it to him, Mr. Harris makes an excellent point. Apes are a reminder that, while we are we are capable of much more than they ever will be, we are capable of reverting as well.
Unfortunately, there is an entire political movement in this country dedicated to eliminating the consequences of behaving like monkeys. We call it liberalism.
Consider the number of conservative speakers on college campuses who have had food hurled at them by angry liberals. Food is only a brief passage through the digestive tract away from fecal matter, and no different in its message when hurled. Like with monkeys, food throwers are motivated by an emotional instinct to lash-out, not by a rational desire to disprove the speaker's arguments by means of a witty torte. The most disturbing aspect of this is not the pie-throwing, but the fact that Liberal prosecutors in most of these towns dropped the charges against the assailants.
We could also talk about sex, since the Liberals do so frequently. Medical professionals at the Mayo Clinic suggest beginning to teach kids about sex when they are toddlers or preschoolers. Barack Obama stresses the need for age-appropriate Sex Ed for kindergarteners. Exactly what qualifies as "age-appropriate" for a five year-old is hard for me to understand, and apparently Barack had some trouble, as well, since he has refused to elaborate beyond the need for "study." Perhaps he meant discussions of anal sex, oral sex and "fisting" (I will let you figure it out from the context...) like these Massachusetts activists did. Maybe he thought we should teach kindergarteners about masturbation, like Jocelyn Elders? Doubtless, he meant more along the lines of this precious (but poorly transferred and edited,) moment from Kindergarten Cop.
Sex Ed trains children to avoid the consequences of sex, without ever asking whether they should be having it in the first place. Putting a condom on a banana is a time-honored tradition of the Sex Ed teacher. Thus fortified, the banana can engage in all of the casual sex it wants without any trouble! But of course, there are those times when a condom breaks, so the Libs advocate passing out birth-control to 11 year-olds. If a girl as young as ten years-old still manages to get pregnant, the U.N. seems to think it is time to head to the Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion. (Remember: It's not a potential new life you have created. It's a non-viable tissue mass, like cancer!) If our hypothetical ten year-old mother decides to keep the baby, the government has over 900 programs to keep her comfortable.
Kids are exposed to sex on a daily basis on TV and in the movies, and much of this sex is casual and meaningless. This constant exposure has the effect of creating a patina of social legitimacy. Combined with the easy availability of birth control and abortion, does anybody wonder we see as many kids mounting every cute behind they see?
We could talk about the massive failure of our public schools to teach children trained in basic history, math and science, leaving a generation of children incapable of applying rational thought to a problem. We could talk about the interest-group politics that seem to define the Left in America that sounds more like tribalism than civil rights. We could talk about the juvenile justice system, and how it treats criminal miscreants below the age of eighteen as gently as possible, and in doing so, never teaches these kids that there are consequences for breaking the law. Liberalism seems designed to produce a generation of children that have no idea that they are not supposed to fling food or feces at people they do not like. It is designed to produce a generation of kids who have such freedom from moral restraints on sex and the capability to avoid its consequences that they will hop on whatever willing behind they find. It is designed to produce an ignorant bunch of dolts who cannot even recognize a specious argument, or separate emotion from fact. It is designed to produce monkeys.
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Is this what happened to the Romans?
I don't think it is. So far as I have been able to discern, Rome fell apart because the citizens of Rome didn't want to fight for it. After all, they had the option of sitting at home, voting themselves bread and circuses.
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